Inspiring Responsible Waste Management Behaviour Change in Negara and Jembrana

Request for proposal

Project STOP Jembrana, in collaboration with the Bali Partnership secretariat, is launching a tender for organisations with a successful track record in changing community behaviour to support an ambitious two and half year program to inspire Jembrana and Negara residents to engage in responsible waste management practices with the ultimate goal of zero ocean plastic and environmental leakage in Jembrana and Negara sub-districts. If successful, the behaviour change campaign could be a role model for other communities across Bali to follow.

The exam question: How to inspire 100% of Negara and Jembrana households to stop burning and dumping their waste and instead use and pay for responsible waste collection services, including sorting their waste into organic and non-organic fractions, within two and a half years?

Interested organizations are invited to submit proposal and required documents using the provided template(s) to be sent via email to: [email protected] and Cc [email protected].

Proposal and documents should be received not later than 05:00 pm WITA, May 8th, 2020. All proposals will be reviewed and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted in due time.

Questions should be sent in writing via e-mail to: [email protected] by April 28th, 2020.

Few selected proposals will be required to present their proposals to the tender committee between May 18th and 20th, 2020 before the final decision is made.

Click the links below to download the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR), Application Form, Budget Template and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

English version:

  1. Terms of Reference (ToR) and Application Form 
  2. Budget Template 
  3. FAQ

Bahasa version:

  1. Kerangka Acuan dan Formulir Aplikasi
  2. Format Rincian Anggaran
  3. Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan (FAQ)

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